Edward T. Head

Work In Progress / 01 November 2023

I always wanted to recreate one of my favorite album covers from my youth as a 3D animated scene and Halloween was upon us so I jumped in. Also I  wanted to check what I could do with the new Facetools pipeline from Character Creator 4. This is the progress so far;(Iron Maiden, Life After Death, 1985, Cover art by; Derek Riggs)

First pass on the head in ZBrush. In order to keep the rig working you need to respect the vertex order. It's a good thing the base mesh from Character Creator is very flexible.

First setup in CC4, the outfit is a placeholder. (Nobody wants to see a naked Eddie ;))Detailing pass of the head and a first pass on the body in ZBrush.
Baking the high res details from ZBrush and a first texture pass in Substance Painter.

I really enjoy animating in Cascadeur and it gives me an excelent base for the animation in iClone. So I did a quick sequence and brought the result back to CC4.

A quick preview render from CC4.

This is where the project is at the moment. I am still thinking about where to end up for the final result, Unreal, Unity3D or Blender? I will see it when I get there.

Next on the to do list;

  • Creating the outfit and props
  • Final textures and materials on Eddie
  • Setting up the scene and environment props

I will cover those things in a new post so stay tuned.

Thanks for reading!